Sound Beginnings is a family music class for children ages 0-4 and a parent or caregiver
Classes include singing, movement, instrument play, nursery rhymes, games, stories, and ear training activities.
Your first class is free, try a sample class and enjoy getting to experience the music with your child in a safe and comfortable classroom with other students and parents of their age group. To register, click here and pay a one time registration fee to save your spot in the class.
Class expectations
A parent or caregiver attends class with each child, younger siblings may attend if they are 0-4 years. Each child must be enrolled in the class in order to attend. We ask that the children stay in the studio area with an adult at all times. Please wash hands/remove shoes before entering.
Sound Beginnings Semester Student Materials are $35 + include a one time purchase of the SB tote bag ($7.50) for new families. Every semester includes a student workbook, semester instrument, and a digital download of all semester songs.